Customer Appreciation Event
Save During our Customer Appreciation Event 10/31/24 thru 11/11/24!!
We think our customers are wonderful and want to thank you for sharing your bird feeding stories with us everyday. It truly brings us joy! To show our appreciation, we invite you to shop during our Customer Appreciation event. It's a chance to save on items for your own backyard and on unique holiday gifts.
$7 OFF 20 lb. Bag of No-Mess Blend NM CD (in-store only)
$10 OFF Purchase of $60 or More*
$20 OFF Purchase of $100 or More*
$40 OFF Purchase of $200 or More*
*With coupon. One coupon per visit. Offer not valid on previous purchases, optics, gift cards, DSC memberships, BirdReel Smart Bird Feeder, sale items or other WBU offers. Offer valid in-store at the participating location(s) listed or by shopping online with promo code.
November Nature Happenings
- Project Feeder Watch starts and extends until April,
- Queen bees prepare their winter hibernation spots.
- Black Bears go into hibernation.
- Chipmunks hibernate.
- Feeders get busier as the month progresses.
- Late-migrating raptors, such as Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks, can be seen.
- Open water may become important with an early freeze. Put up heated bird baths for a winter water source.
- Canada Geese are migrating.
- Witch Hazel is the last plant to bloom this year.
- Bittersweet berries turn orange this month.
- Wasps leave paper nests in search of warmer homes.
- Pine Grosbeaks arrive from the north.
- Robins and Cedar Waxwings are feeding on Virginia Creeper berries.
- Peak of deer breeding season. Use caution while driving.
- Leonid meteor shower is mid-month.